Priscilla is a PMA® certified Pilates teacher (now known as NCPT), trained under Fletcher Pilates® and BodyTree Academy® in all apparatus. She is also a certified Yoga teacher. Priscilla has been teaching since 2009 and mentoring student-teachers since 2017.Priscilla is greatly passionate about movement especially in Pilates Matwork and has assisted in teaching 7 Matwork Teacher Training programmes. Each training has deepened her understanding of the Pilates repertoire and she strives to teach the concepts of the exercises, making the training relevant and functional to her student-teachers so that they can continue meaningful teaching to everyone.As Priscilla had suffered several injuries, seeking knowledge to improve her understanding of the human body remains her priority. Her keen interest and knowledge in the proper movement mechanics ultimately forms the fundamental framework of her teaching. She believes in learning from experts of different fields to enrich her own teaching and tailoring her teaching according to her students' needs. Being an experiential learner, Priscilla is keen to help her students experience the beauty of the movement. She finds great pleasure in helping her students' fulfil their movement and teaching potential.

Priscilla 是我垫上皮拉提斯的指导老师。当我在准备第一次教课内容时,自己重复练习后还是有些问题,Priscilla很有耐心的帮我调整并和我说为什么这样调整!教完我的第一堂课后,有更多的问题想要请教指导老师,她也总是试着了解我的问题从何而来,并教我如何帮助客户在运动上能更进一步和运用正确的肌肉在发力!我喜欢她无私的跟我分享如何利用和为什么有时需要用手引导的方式去教学!每次有问题请教她,总是不厌其烦的和我分享也让我每次学到新的东西,又或者激发我从不同角度去教!她是个很棒的指导老师,总会鼓励我多试多练去找到自己的教学风格!非常感谢妳Priscilla!

- Abby (Singapore/Taiwan), Aug 2019

Priscilla was my mentor during my Mat TT course. She guided me through the course very patiently. She’s very warm, passionate and a dedicated teacher. Priscilla guided me how to develop an in-depth knowledge of how Pilates Mat classes can improve people’s lives. And I feel very fortunate that she shares her years of knowledge and practice in each of her classes.I was in transition from a yoga instructor to a pilates instructor. Coming from a similar background, Priscilla always gave sound advice on the differences between the two to help me progress. She answered all my questions throughly.Her verbal corrections and tactile cues are very precise in her classes. She focuses on the alignment of the poses. She gives each student the right amount of attention and adjustment when needed. She really helped me to improve my Pilates foundations. My body has become more stronger and more flexible, and my posture has improved immensely. She challenges and motivates each student while focusing on the fundamentals of form and balance, adding on variations and fully explaining the key steps and target goal. I still remember during one of her classes, she spent a good amount of time to teach us what a proper “plank pose” is and after that I’m always aware of the strong foundation.Her positive attitude and loving spirit make her the perfect teacher. I’m very thankful to Priscilla in every way and if anyone’s looking for a good pilates instructor I totally recommend Priscilla without a doubt.

- Jimin (Singapore/Korea), Aug 2019

As a teacher trainee, I needed help in prepping my body to take on the training. That's when I took private training with Priscilla. In our first lesson, she told me that we will work together to achieve the goals I have set out - improving my flexibility & mobility. I've never looked back since. During training, she always encouraged and pushed me to my limits. I am glad to have the opportunity to work with her from the start of my Pilates journey.

- Gary (Singapore), Sep 2019[/accordion_toggle][/accordion]

- BComm- BodyTree Academy® Educator

- PMA®-CPT (currently known as NCPT)

- BodyTree Academy® Certified Pilates Teacher

- Fletcher Pilates® Qualified Teacher

- Pelvic Floor Health & Dysfunction (The Center for Women’s Fitness)

- Yin Yoga, TCM and Anatomy Teacher Training

- Advanced Teacher Training (Bryce Yoga)

– Prenatal and Postnatal Prescription (Penny Elliott)

- Barefoot Training Specialist® Level 1,2,3 (EFBA Global®)

- BARE® Workout Instructor (EBFA Global®)

- Certified Stretch Therapy Teacher

- Pelvic Floor & Core Foundations (Burrell Education)

- Women’s Wellness and Whole Body Vibration (Burrell Education)

- Understanding Acute & Chronic Lumbar & Pelvic Girdle pain: An evidence based workshop on clinical anatomy, biomechanics & effective rehabilitation (Physio Asia Academy)

- Core Foundations (The Tummy Team)

- Unusual Wunda Chair (Bridge Pilates)

- Reformer Refresh (Bridge Pilates)