Message from Second Generation Pilates Teachers

Pilates teachers: listen up!At the Fletcher Pilates Conference 2013 (3-5 May 2013), a panel consisting of second generation Pilates teachers Kyria Sabin, Michelle Larsson, Deborah Lessen, Cara Reeser, Blossom Crawford, Jillian Hessel, Dianne Severino, Brett Howard and Amy Taylor Alpers had this message to share:second-generation-pilates-teachers-fletcher-pilates-conference-20131. Learn the history2. Respect and honour those who have gone before you3. Share the lessons and traditions that your teachers have shared with you4. If nothing else, do a good job teaching5. To work with someone's body is an honour and these skills take time to develop - teach what you know6. Pilates is Health!This post is made possible, courtesy of one of our Fletcher Pilates teachers, Jenna Zaffino.


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